
Track: Juniper (10us) 0

melody32.pngAfter seeing the DVD Carl Cox & friends @Ahoy/Rotterdam I noticed how uptempo my heroes (Kevin Saunderon/Corl Cox/Jeroen Verhey) played. I realized that my tempos were around 120-126 BPM for a long time now. So I started off with 149 and this is where it wend….

melody32.png10us - Juniper


melody32.pngNothing like the source of inspiration, but santisfied about the allover sound. Less santisfied about the melody. But not bad voor two nights of work. And what was I thinking trying to reach their levels 😉 To bad I couldn’t find the videos of the Secret Cinema live set at this event. He realy blows the room! I’ll keep looking for it.

Anyway, this kind of music realy turns me on. It brings memories of the good parties late ’90 early ’00. Here some video from the DVD on Youtube:


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